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Jonno downes

Jonno Downes

Principal Consultant

Jonno is a strong and effective technical leader who has spent the last 20 years building robust, reliable and cost effective payments processing products and platforms. His experience includes:

  • Building the first gift cards processing platform from in Australia for e-com industries (now owned by Wrights Express)
  • Leading the implementation of a payments switch, and bringing payments switching in house for the first time, at Woolworths Limited.
  • Leading the implementation of a new payments switch for eftpos, including migration of interchange links with 20 different banks, retailers and processing partners.
  • Leading the design, implementation and migration of a daily interbank net settlement service for all Australian domestic debit scheme transactions.
  • Collaborating with other industry experts on development of standards, including contributing to the Australian Standard for card payments transaction (AS2805) as well as the AusPayNet frameworks on digital identity (TrustID), Open Loop Transit, and CNP Fraud Mitigation.
Phil herscovics

Phil Herscovics

Principal Consultant

Phil is a senior innovative technical leader with over 30 years of payments systems experience.

He has held roles involving most aspects of enterprise, solutions and infrastructure architecture both as an individual contributor and manager with NBS, American Express, First Data (now FiServ), Desjardins and eftpos Payments Australia.

His design, development, integration and cybersecurity experience has focussed on the payments industry and real-time, high availability, fault tolerant switch systems, EMV Cards, POS terminals, ATMs, mobile devices and eCommerce channels.

Recent accomplishments include architecting the eftpos Hub, selection and integration of the eftpos Mobile Token Service platform and the eftpos Settlement Service and the design and development of the eftpos AWS cloud-based business intelligence platform.

He has participated in EMVCo as a Technical Associate, PCI as a Participant Organisation, and the APN IAC Technical Security Subcommittee.

Having a deep knowledge of the workings of legacy systems, Phil is passionate about modernising payments applications and leveraging cloud based “as a Service” infrastructure and platforms.

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